In more uplifting news, we've been dazzled and impressed by Oswald Repents; a local website for local people, focused on issues in the Bawdewsell area. Covering topics truly relevant to local people, like the parish football club, social events, the need for volunteers at the village hall, but with a radical commentary throughout , it's an example of a really excellent grass-root anarchist enterprise. It's not often you see a quote by Buenaventura Durruti next to a report on a Tractor Run to raise money for a village hall! It bought to mind another favourite local website of ours, Bedford Bypass who also mix local issues and anarchist politics in an accessible and engaging manner. If only anarchists in every village, town and city were engaging and participating in local issues in this way. If only we at Now or Never! weren't too busy drinking our own urine , watching zombie porn and making prison hooch to do something worthwhile. If only, if only....