![]() Now or Never! #21 is well on the way, but if you can't wait till May and fancy a sneak peek why not check out Leave the Boy Alone, our interview with Rhys Dawney about LONG clothing and their infamous club nights, Rihanna and relaunching iconic clothing label BOY London. First Chris Brown and now this - we're like the new Heat magazine, but with less piss drinking.
![]() Who needs chocolates and roses? Oh joy - it's that time again, the next issue of Now or Never! is well under way ready for it's traditional May Day unveiling. In the meantime we've got a few new bits and bobs for sale, check out our postcards and keep an eye on the shop as we'll be adding new stuff over the coming weeks. We've also got some new articles online, including Paul Knight's thoughts on Valentines Day. Hopefully they'll be some exciting (depending on how you define "exciting") new developments in the near future, including, amongst other things, us finally pulling our fingers out and making available audio files of articles for the blind/partially sighted and we'll be gingerly dipping our toes into the murky waters of e-publishing. Which frankly has us all in a state of utter confusion, so anyone wise in the ways of them there e-books, do get in touch. In more interesting news, Kevin Seccia has offered $1000 to anyone who beats up Chris Brown . We're not one to usually dabble in celebrity business, but would like to offer a life-time subscription to Now or Never! for whoever can make this happen. Not exactly $1000 but hey, if you've twatted Chris Brown, surely anything else is a bonus. We've also being having much fun checking out the Google Analytics Google Anayltics log of terms people use to find this site. There's a shocking amount of traffic through piss drinking, which must be seriously disappointing for the deviant little bleeders when they click, kleenex in hot little hands, on the results. But we must have proved even more of a letdown to whoever asked "why are enemas popular on valentines day?" on the 15th of Febuary. Guess we know what their partner got them.... |
AuthorNow or Never! magazine - a punker version of Class War with worse politics Archives
October 2016