That is really just the point; when a thing in society is gradually installed into the mainstream it eventually becomes very normalised in the mindset of the populous, this is the work of the hidden persuaders of PR and marketing who have learned our human condition so well that they could literally once again find a way to successfully promote and reinstate smoking in pubs and work places!
You have got to hand it to these devilish so and sos, when it comes to designing these ‘games’, by working directly with the government, top military advisors, as well as the very best people in psychology, through years of research they know very well exactly what makes us tick and turns us on.
Yes indeed, do they know how to make these games appeal?! Pure adrenaline and turbo charged glorification of violence, allows the gamer to be a real testosterone fuelled hero of a man anytime on demand.
These wicked games have certainly come a long way since the pioneering days when Space Invaders was about as hardcore as it ever got.
But it is the political message which is clearly the underlying agenda here, yes people, these dastardly demons don’t just want your cash- they claim part of your loving being every time you grab your controller to play Call of Duty or Medal of Honour.
If this is beginning to sound exaggerated (and I know it must) it is simply because these games have become so normalised and thus seemingly innocuous, much like that seventies Marlboro cowboy on Formula 1 billboards and his unspoken promise of sex appeal and good health.
With this ‘militainment’ any wimpy kid who has never even been in a real fist fight can feel like an invincible all American chisel jawed hero saving the planet from the… erm, ‘bad guys’.
American ‘heroes’ and pro Americanism feature heavily, the message here being, ‘support the West’s plans for one world order, revel in the prospect of endless war’
What these games never contain is the horrendous realities of war such as 170 million slaughtered in modern warfare, the bombing of residential areas with up to a million civilians killed in Iraq, the horror of the Fallujah depleted uranium babies and the illegal and shameful use of phosphorus by the us military- these games are truly tools of propaganda creating a distorted reality in a world where freethinkers now account for a mere 5% of the population, and where many have a twisted understanding of true courage.
Apparently official studies indicate that playing violent games in no way encourages actual violent tendencies in gamers. These findings suggest they do however desensitise players to violence, but regardless, the truth is these games certainly do NOT promote philanthropy, compassion or love for our world, but just MAY indirectly encourage lovely family-friendly days out at the newly opened RAF Waddington drone base.
Realistically, can we expect war gamers addicted to atrocities and the latest technological fire power, to be well equipped for any independent, ethical and political views regarding real world conflicts?
It was found that Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik regularly played war games for six hours or longer per day, a few days after this information was released in the news it was quickly played down by the marionette media, no doubt due to the type of editorial pressures and constraints dictated from the very top that we very seldom learn of, and ultimately because of the enormous value of the marketplace that the story could potentially jeopardise.
The Guardian recently published an article ‘Are war video games military training tools?’- I would suggest they are at very least indirect tools for war, which cleverly glamourise killing with the kinds of macho imagery that guys aspire to, girls will be turned on by, and mums will desire to buy. What we have here is modern day propaganda at its most cunningly polished, so much so as to be almost invisible.
Ultimately real men don’t need guns, recently Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years for revealing the truth about war, proof if ever it was needed that war serves big business, under banners of freedom and justice, and all the while these ‘fantasy games’, which are evermore submerged in current and real world political situations, are directly implicit in engineering consent for those wars.
Whether guy or gal I say find more constructive ways to ‘man up’ and entertain yourself, next time you are forced into a Tesco for instance, you would be doing absolutely nothing wrong in simply ‘misplacing’ a stack of ‘gears of war’ in with the frozen pizza, and if a member of staff does see you just give a peace weirdo’s look and say it is in order to ‘cool the flames of war’.
The extent of these problems are more deep rooted than most are aware of, and so huge as to be almost overwhelming, going way beyond the game publishers or developers, right to the top in the world’s controlling elite. Don’t let these authoritarian overlords steal your love with their fear and control, don’t get addicted to the trauma, help regain the balance in these dangerous times- away from this destructive path man is now on, femininity does NOT equal weakness, it is sad so many women should confuse this and sell out their opposite, subtle yet equally powerful female strengths to the aggressions of man, women need not act like men, it is this which has damaged humanity and has made our world more dangerous.
Those responsible, the mind controllers even have ways to make you believe it’s YOU coming up with this or that great idea, you’re SO smart… Be aware of this control agenda on how we think, what we buy, who we support, not only in the media but throughout the entire world of entertainment, where our defences are dropped and we’re more susceptible to manipulation.
Grow-up, put away your toy soldiers and see beyond the patriarchy that surrounds us, and work towards a more healthy state of balance and a better, safer future for the world.