Following the positive feedback we've been recieving about Paul Knight's article on this Summer's London riots, we've prematurely published Thatcher's Grandchildren in our online articles - if you'd like to read it , and other equally fabulous musings, in their original paper form, then pick up a copy of Issue 20 from our shop
![]() Well it's here. It's finally fucking here, the issue that was the straw that nearly broke the camel's fucking back - yup, issue 20 of Now or Never! eagerly awaits your hot little hands, so off you trot and buy the fucking thing. And on that chirpy cheerful note, here at Now or Never! we're struggling somewhat, time is tight, money's even tighter - too tight to mention, in fact, the future ain't all that bright so we ain't wearing shades, etc etc. We've therefore been throwing around the notion that we may have to become annual publication, perhaps change format to a yearly book, or rob a bank - we're not sure which yet. Your thoughts, views, ideas and money are welcome as always, contact us if you have any input, donate if you want to put forward the kind of input we'd actually appreciate. Those of you with a subscription fret not, you'll actually come out of any changes better off, you swines. Issue 20 owes a great debt of thanks to all it's contributors, in particular the fantastic artists, some of whom really pulled out all the stops at the last minute. So we raise a glass of piss to Zack Gardner for the brilliant front cover art , Nina Sosenko for the wonderful alternative back cover, Deb Shuttleworth for the always fabulous Dead in the Scene and China White for the excellent comic strip and all his previous work - contact him at [email protected]. Belated thanks are long over due to superstar photographer Anne for her work on the cover of issue 19. Absent though he is from this issue, we are also eternally grateful for the wonderous works of Charlie Cody, and equally indebted to Sheffield artist Mike Haworth, wherever he may be, for bringing the Now or Never! girl to life. In other news, regular contributor Paul Knight has a few thoughts on October's Black History Month ...the rest of us just have thoughts on how fucking dire the UK Black History Month website is. ![]() Wait, what's that? I'll tell you what that is, that's only Norman bleeding Lovett cuddling regular contributor Paul Knight * whilst holding one of the few remaining copies of issue 19 of Now or Never!. Yes, Norman freaking Lovett, of Holly from Red Dwarf, voiceover on 1980's Sugar Puffs adverts and holding Now or Never! fame. Make sure you get your copy quick sticks, before Chris Barrie and Craig Charles buy up all our remaining stock. Seriously though, go to the shop and buy a copy, or we won't have anywhere to put issue 20 next week. * He was cropped out of the photo at his own request - we hasten to add that we find Paul, and indeed all** of our contributors both glorious and beautiful to gaze upon. ** Some Valiums have been taken, panic attacks averted, paper bags breathed into and the toys are all safely back in the pram - Now or Never! # 20 not only looks like it's going to make it to the printers on schedule but also seems set to be a absolute corker of a issue - albiet one full mainly focussed on prison, riots, prison riots and homeopathy. We've just recieved the final artwork for the cover by the brilliant Zak Gardner and can't wait to unveil it in all its glory very soon - watch this space!
We were all overcome to see the launch of the fantastic Bedford Bypass , a website well worth a browse no matter your location. Our hearts were especially a-flutter as they very kindly describe Now or Never! as a contiuous inspiration. Given that to our knowledge we have so far only inspired self-loathing in ourselves and a sense of disgust and embarrassment in the wider anarchist community, we were everso pleased to discover that, hurrah, we aren't horrible cunts after all! Although flicking through the contents of the next issue, maybe we are. Bedford Bypass also mention Ian Bone as an inspiration and we're long overdue to give him a bit of a mention. A very belated one at that, given that he interviewed us on Resonance FM about two years ago, but hey, it's the thought that counts - like the most out of date, tokenistic birthday card ever. And on that note, you should probably check out Paul Stott whilst you're browsing vintage Class War members. ![]() Here at Now or Never! we are currently running around in a state of panic having realised that the deadline for the next issue to go to print is fast approaching and we are nowhere near ready - we feel we should warn you that October's issue looks to be fuelled in a very best case scenario by Red Bull. However, as time, energy and finances are all in equally short supply, it's looking increasingly likely that we will be forced to draw straws to decide who has to roam the streets of Norwich offering dubious favours to local farmers in exchange for a paltry financial donation and/or amphetimines. Expect the following issue to be created on a taurine comedown of biblical proportions. If all goes to plan and no-one ends up crying in the gutter we'll be unveiling issue 20 at London's annual Anarchist Bookfair. There's still time to submit any last minute articles or artwork as any pretence of order or deadlines have frankly fucked right off out the window. This Sunday sees us heading to the rather delightful middle class wankfest that is Southwold to take part in the rather delightful middle class wank fest that is The Waveney Greenpeace Fair. If you're there, do put your tahini burger and pint of badgers scrotum down for a second and come and browse the range of rancid wares on our stall. It's basically all the crap that we're too lazy/embarrassed to list in our online shop. And don't forget next Friday is our regular movie double bill at Stew Gallery. Welcome to the new Now or Never! website! We bid a fond farewell to our previous online presence - this is basically the same site but sadly it now looks slightly less like a Powerpuff Girl puking up in a candyfloss factory. The site has passed from male to female hands, and in true NoN! style, this means a lot less pink glitter and a lot more swearing and violence. Thanks are due to Harry K for all his past web wizadry; we've switched to a new site because Microsoft (of all people!) wanted to start charging us, so he's taking a well earned break whilst Scumbalina steers the good ship for a while. We'll be updating and tweaking for a little while yet, so do still check out the old site for a wider back catalogue of articles about idiots drinking their own piss and the like. Issue 20 of Now or Never! is currently brewing, simmering and generally bubbling away, like the proverbial turtle poking it's head, so watch this space for the latest news. There's still time to submit articles, check out the about page for details.
AuthorNow or Never! magazine - a punker version of Class War with worse politics Archives
October 2016