And on that chirpy cheerful note, here at Now or Never! we're struggling somewhat, time is tight, money's even tighter - too tight to mention, in fact, the future ain't all that bright so we ain't wearing shades, etc etc. We've therefore been throwing around the notion that we may have to become annual publication, perhaps change format to a yearly book, or rob a bank - we're not sure which yet. Your thoughts, views, ideas and money are welcome as always, contact us if you have any input, donate if you want to put forward the kind of input we'd actually appreciate. Those of you with a subscription fret not, you'll actually come out of any changes better off, you swines.
Issue 20 owes a great debt of thanks to all it's contributors, in particular the fantastic artists, some of whom really pulled out all the stops at the last minute. So we raise a glass of piss to Zack Gardner for the brilliant front cover art , Nina Sosenko for the wonderful alternative back cover, Deb Shuttleworth for the always fabulous Dead in the Scene and China White for the excellent comic strip and all his previous work - contact him at [email protected]. Belated thanks are long over due to superstar photographer Anne for her work on the cover of issue 19. Absent though he is from this issue, we are also eternally grateful for the wonderous works of Charlie Cody, and equally indebted to Sheffield artist Mike Haworth, wherever he may be, for bringing the Now or Never! girl to life.
In other news, regular contributor Paul Knight has a few thoughts on October's Black History Month ...the rest of us just have thoughts on how fucking dire the UK Black History Month website is.