We were all overcome to see the launch of the fantastic Bedford Bypass , a website well worth a browse no matter your location. Our hearts were especially a-flutter as they very kindly describe Now or Never! as a contiuous inspiration. Given that to our knowledge we have so far only inspired self-loathing in ourselves and a sense of disgust and embarrassment in the wider anarchist community, we were everso pleased to discover that, hurrah, we aren't horrible cunts after all! Although flicking through the contents of the next issue, maybe we are.
Bedford Bypass also mention Ian Bone as an inspiration and we're long overdue to give him a bit of a mention.
A very belated one at that, given that he interviewed us on Resonance FM about two years ago, but hey, it's the thought that counts - like the most out of date, tokenistic birthday card ever. And on that note, you should probably check out Paul Stott whilst you're browsing vintage Class War members.